ONE of Lancashire’s first members of the Family Planning Nurse Association has ended her career this week.

Marion Ward helped the women of Lancashire with their sexual health issues and family planning concerns for more than 40 years.

But this weekend the 86-year-old attended her last Lancashire Family Planning Nurses Group meeting, which took place at Stanley House in Mellor.

And she said ‘times have changed’ dramatically over the years and claims that more help should be offered to men.

In the late 60s Marion said sexual health was ‘taboo’ and the Family Planning Nurse Association ‘brought it to life’ by offering help and advice across Lancashire.

She said: ”It wasn’t talked about in the late 60s, it was too controversial and we couldn’t get any funding.

“We approached the council for financial help but they weren’t willing to give us any money.

"Back then, the system was male dominated and they didn’t want to listen.

"Eventually persistence paid off and we could offer women birth control as well as any other family planning issues.”

Marion said she enjoyed her job and has carried on going to family planning conferences up until now.

“I haven’t done a clinic for years, but I have carried on going to conferences to keep up with what’s happening today.

"I have enjoyed my career but I now concentrate on looking after my friend,”

she said.

She added: “Bisexual people started coming to us for advice, we opened doors for women and encouraged them to come and talk about their sexuality.

"Because the pill became popular in the 1960s it certainly helped at the time of a sexual revolution!

“Another huge change in the world of family planning was the morning after pill.

"I think it’s a great idea, why shouldn’t women be able to take it?

"It prevents a lot of unwanted pregnancies”

Marion, who lives in Preston, said more advice should be made available to men.

She said: “There has never been as much help for men as there has been for women.

"Men should be encouraged to get free advice and contraception, without leaving it all down to the women.”