CHILDREN from Darwen are about to see their ideas come to life with a £145,000 upgrade to Bold Venture park.

The council say the work, which will include the installation of a pyramid tower and slide, a fantasy fun run and ‘springies’ will start “in the very near future”.

Children from St Joseph’s and Holy Trinity primary schools helped to choose the new equipment by submitting drawings.

Building work was originally set to begin on September 1 to be completed by October 15, but was delayed when council bosses realised they could get more for their money when tenders returned to them were much lower than anticipated.

Coun Michael Law-Riding, play champion for the borough said the park would be a place “where every child and young person can be happy, successful, healthy and safe, and contribute to the communities in which they live, learn and play.”

He added: “Over the past few years, along with council mainstream funding, successful bids for funding from the Big Lottery Fund's Children's Play programme, the Community Foundation for Bootle and the Play Pathfinder programme, the parks and open spaces in Blackburn and Darwen are undergoing massive refurbishment.

“Now children across the borough can enjoy state-of-the-art play equipment, which in many cases, they’ve helped to choose.

“I believe that all adults must take responsibility for the safety of children, but whilst this is paramount, children should be allowed challenging and adventurous play opportunities. It’s time to shake off the 'cotton wool' culture that can limit children’s play.”

Chairman of The Friends of Bold Venture, Harry Duxbury, said: “The group are very much looking forward to the work starting.

“It is good to know that work is going to begin after a delayed start.

“It is certainly good news for the park and the local community.”