POLICE are today launching a week-long campaign inviting residents to help make their communities safer.

The Home Office-led 'Not in my Neighbourhood' week will see a number of activities carried out, where police and other organisations will be tackling crime and disorder.

Chief Inspector Terry Woods, in charge of neighbourhood policing at Eastern Division, said: “This week is all about raising awareness of the huge range of work people do, day in day out, to keep crime down, and make communities safe.

“Neighbourhood policing is fully embedded into our day to day business within Lancashire Constabulary and the teams continue to have a significant impact in tackling long term issues in our local communities."

He added: "Neighbourhood policing is all about working alongside other agencies to make sure that our neighbourhoods remain safe, where people know that the police and other agencies understand the issues that matter most."

Activities across Burnley and Padiham until Friday will include high-visibility patrols, crime operations, drug warrants, school talks and alcohol purchasing test.

PC Dave Pascoe said: “It’s all about reassuring the public that neighbourhood policing teams are out on patrol, tackling issues of concern.

“Every single area of Burnley now has its own dedicated neighbourhood policing team consisting of community beat managers like myself, PCSOs and response officers.

“Although not everyone realises it, there is a huge range of people working together to keep local neighbourhoods safe.”

Anyone who wants to know who their local officer is and when their next Police and Community Together (PACT) meeting is can log on to www.lancashire.police.uk or call 0845 1 25 35 45.