A TEENAGER who flouted a community order couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to do unpaid work, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Christopher Brown, 19, admitted to his barrister he was lazy and Judge Heather Lloyd told him: "Pathetic. It's pathetic."

Brown had earlier been given four months in jail, suspended for a year, with 200 hours unpaid work and supervision. He had failed to turn up to do the work.

The defendant, of Warwick Drive, Padiham, admitted breaching the order a second time.

The judge told him he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself. She said his behaviour was like a five year old not a 19 year old.

She added: "You are getting a chance now. If you don't take it, I will send you to prison." The judge gave the defendant a two month curfew between 10pm and 7am .

The court was told Brown appeared before the court for breach in July and the operational period of the suspended jail term was extended to two years. He had done 76 and a half hours work.

Martin Hackett, for Brown, said Brown couldn't get up. He went on :"He's says he's lazy.His mother has had to attend hospital and when she is not around he has difficulty getting out of bed to do the order."