PARKING lines are being redrawn outside three quarters of East Lancashire schools - so traffic wardens can issue fines.

The move by Lancashire County Council comes after a row at one primary school in the region, with some parents claiming new yellow zig-zag lines make crossing the road more dangerous for children.

Bosses have said the action follows complaints from schools, parents and councillors about parking problems.

Previously, only police could take action against cars parked illegally on the zig-zag school markings.

But now the lines have been redrawn to comply with Department for Transport guidelines, meaning Parkwise traffic wardens can take action too.

County Coun Janice Hanson, cabinet member for highways and planning, said: “In the past the police have been able to take enforcement action but we are keen to be able to use the resources local councils have at their disposal to improve the situation.

“To be able to do this we have carried out an audit of all the school keep clear markings.

“We are starting the process in East Lancashire and have found that 75 per cent of schools will need work to be carried out on their zig-zag markings.”

However, some parents at Whittlefield Primary School, in Tabor Street, Burnley, are angry after parking lines were redrawn outside the school.

They say the new, shorter markings are putting pupils in danger.

Shelley Crossland, 37, said: “Cars park closer now and come up the road and nobody can see them.

“I am concerned that a child will get knocked over because when they come out of school they don’t stop and look.”

Julie Caygill, headteacher at Whittlefield, added: “I share parents’ concerns, although it is not as straightforward as that and I will be looking for the county council to review the lines situation.”

Officers say Parkwise wardens will begin enforcement once all the lines have been redrawn.