COUNCILLORS are urging investment to re-develop an ageing Pendle landmark in a residential area.

Riverside Mill, in Nelson, once provided employment for many local people and is a prominent feature in the Bradley area of the town.

It is currently in private ownership, but councillors are hoping it will be re-developed in the near future.

Coun Sonia Robinson, leader on housing regeneration for Pendle Council, said: "It is currently in private ownership and with the right investment could be transformed by a private developer.

"These would link to new green open spaces and improvements to the Waterside area along nearby Walverden Water."

The recommendations are part of an important five to seven year Bradley Masterplan, geared towards regenerating the area.

Local residents have had their say in the Masterplan through public meetings, including detailed discussions with the Bradley Residents' Association.

The owners of the mill are supportive of the idea of changing the designation of the mill from employment land to residential land.