POLICE chiefs would have to fork out over £3million to equip all of Lancashire's officers with high-tech stun guns.

Forces are to consider arming all of their officers with Taser guns following the end of a one-year pilot scheme undertaken by 10 different constabularies across the country.

In Lancashire, only trained firearms officers are allowed to use Tasers but the pilot scheme has trialled all of a force's officers being kitted out with the guns.

The results will be reviewed before constabularies decide whether or not to follow suit.

A Taser stun gun temporarily incapacitates a person by hitting them with a 1,200 volt shock.

They cost around £940 each. It would cost Lancashire Constabulary £3,421,600 to equip all of its 3,640 officers with the guns and £161million to roll the scheme out nationwide.

A spokesperson for Lancashire police said: "We will await the outcome of the study and the guidelines that come from it. In the future we may look to train other specialist officers in taser and not just our armed response team."

Over the past three years Lancashire Constabulary has authorised officers to draw taser guns at just over 300 incidents, and they have only been fired in 34 cases. No one has received a significant injury after being hit with the electrical charge.

Steve Edwards, chairman of the Lancashire Police Federation, said their surveys had showed that 80 per cent of the county's officers wanted to have the opportunity to carry a Taser when out on patrol.

Mr Edwards added: "Giving all 3,640 officers a Taser is pie in the sky, because that figure includes office-based staff and they have no need for one, but I do believe that usage should be extended to include all front-line police officers.

"A Taser is a safer option for the police and a safer option for the public because it allows officers to bring a situation under control much more quickly than current methods of using CS gas and batons."