AN East Lancs council leader has launched a defence of private school arrangements amid government plans to introduce VAT on their fees.

Conservative Cllr Stephen Atkinson, leader of Ribble Valley Council, said Lancashire private schools make a valuable contribution to local economies and are used by  ‘normal people’.

His borough is home to Stonyhurst College - the Hurst Green establishment's feeder school St Mary's Hall has annual day pupil fees ranging from £12,000 to £15,000 depending on the year group.

The new Labour government says the planned tax revenue from private schools and private sixth forms would boost state education and fund 6,500 new teachers in England.

But some private schools, including fee-paying Christian and Muslim schools, have criticised the plans. Some faith schools are seeking VAT exemptions.

Cllr Atkinson told a full council meeting: "Independent schools contribute nearly £9m to the local economy, employing 218 people and generating £5m in tax revenue.

"And I think about the sacrifices these parents and grandparents make, often forsaking family holidays, designer clothes and Taylor Swift concerts.

“This is a serious topic. One-in-five of children at independent schools have special educational needs and are waiting for an education health and care plan. It is taking up to two years to get some of these plans.

"Without a plan, they will have to pay VAT, if it is charged. These are children who have suffered trauma and anxiety, who cannot navigate large groups.

“And the Ribble Valley families I know who send their children to private schools are nurses, council workers and taxi drivers. These are normal trying to do the best for their children.

He added: “Going to university is a choice too. It’s not subject to VAT on fees, school books or resources.”

The new government’s plan was unveiled this summer although there may be changes in the autumn budget. So far, government information says private school and boarding fees for terms starting from January 2025 will be taxable at the standard rate of VAT at 20 per cent.

Education providers that charge school lesson and boarding fees must check if they need to register for VAT because of these changes.

For VAT.  a private school is defined as any school or institution that provides full time education for a fee to pupils of compulsory school age. Also for 16 to 19 year-old students where that institution is primarily concerned with providing education for that age group. This includes private schools, independent schools and private sixth form colleges.

Private nursery schools for very young children below the legal school starting-age are exempt.