A Blackburn woman, who married a complete stranger on a reality show, says she has received hateful comments from trolls – but she isn’t letting them affect her experience.

Amy Kenyon, a former St Wilfrid’s Church of England Academy pupil, has appeared on E4’s Married at First Sight, where strangers get married before meeting each other after being paired with the help of expert analysis.

In an exclusive interview with the Lancashire Telegraph, Amy said her family was initially apprehensive about her going on the show.

She said: “I am at an age where all of my friends are married and have children. It is just me by myself.

"I was lonely and I don’t go out a lot, I think I was waiting for somebody to be delivered through my front door so I thought, ‘why not have the perfect man brought to me?' I put a lot of trust in the experts.

“My family was [apprehensive] once I told them I was going on the show but once I explained my reasonings, they were more for it.

“My friends were really for it because I have a terrible dating history and they know I don’t really go on dates so they were like ‘why not’ as this is like somebody being delivered through your front door.”

Amy KenyonAmy Kenyon (Image: E4/Channel 4)

Amy, a wedding planner, said it has been “crazy” seeing herself on television.

She said: “Filming has finished now and it’s a little bit strange watching it back now.

"It’s crazy to see myself on telly. I was nervous about how I was going to be perceived and if people would like me.

“Every episode I watch I have to watch twice to process it as you are so nervous the first time around.

“My family is really proud of me and how I am coming across because I am just being myself.”

Amy KenyonAmy Kenyon (Image: E4/Channel 4)

She tied the knot with 30-year-old Luke Debono, from Malta. At first, Amy was apprehensive of his affectionate nature but the couple have remained together so far in the show.

Amy said: “At first I was wary of him and felt like he was a lot.

"I was worried that he had written a script and he was trying to get all of these one-liners out before the end of filming.

“When we went on the honeymoon we had the best time ever. The massage scene was really uncomfortable for me and I didn’t want to do it – but he made me feel at ease and that’s what brought us closer together and more of a team.

“In previous relationships, I have been with men who are six-foot-five so the only initial shock was when he was the same height as me – but it’s what is on the inside that counts.”

The former Lower Darwen Primary School pupil said she is proud to represent Blackburn on the show.

She has also been flying the flag for businesses in the county, wearing a wedding dress, supplied by The White Gallery in Ramsbottom.

She said: "I am proud to fly the flag for Blackburn and I do love where I am from – although I do call it ‘the valley of doom’ because when you drive into Blackburn it’s in a valley and it’s always covered by clouds and rain!

“But I do love Blackburn and the support I have received from everybody has been amazing. It’s nice to see that people are rooting for us.

“It was important for me to represent Lancashire brands on the show. It’s such a small area where everyone knows everyone.

"There are a lot of nice businesses and it’s a nice place to come from with so many nice people, they deserve to be supported and shouted about.”

Amy KenyonAmy Kenyon (Image: E4/Channel 4)

Amy said trolls targeted her appearance when she was announced to enter the show but she says she tries to ignore the hateful messages.

She said: "People judge me a lot for my appearance. When I was announced on the show everyone was attacking me saying, ‘she’s fake and full of filler’.

"They said, ‘she’s fake and should be on Love Island’...  but I am not that type of person.

“Most people have warmed to me but people are still calling me ‘trout pout and 40-year-old’.

“I don’t look for the negative comments. It’s mostly Facebook groups that have nasty comments in them and it’s usually middle-aged women without photos of themselves in their profile - so  I don’t mind if they think I have too much lip filler.”

Amy, a former University of Central Lancashire student, said the show has taught her to have confidence in herself.

“I have learned to have more confidence in myself and accept compliments,” she said.

“I came in part way through the show which was scary for me. Now I feel more confident in friendship settings and going into new groups and realise not everyone is out to attack me.”

Amy said she didn’t enter the show hoping to gain any sort of social media career. Instead, she wants to use her platform for good and to raise awareness of important causes.

She said: “I never went on the show to gain any sort of career out of it. I am happy with my life and have everything I need but if I can make a difference in any way I would be all for it.

“Cancer has been a huge part of my life. My dad has gone through cancer and when I finished filming I discovered my brother had cancer so I would love to be able to use my platform to  raise money or awareness for that.”

Married At First Sight airs Monday to Thursday at 9pm on E4. You can catch up with previous episodes on demand.