A TEENAGER prosecuted for drug dealing after being caught in possession of cannabis and cash was described as a “child” at the time.

But Blackburn magistrates heard that despite his youth it was the second similar offence for Mitchell Walker.

Walker, 19, of Slaidburn Avenue, Burnley, pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

He was made subject to a 12-month community order for 12 months with a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and 150 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay a £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said Walker had clearly been getting money from street dealing.

“It was made more serious because you had a relevant conviction from when you were 16,” said District Judge Preston. “I have to bear in mind that when you committed this offence you were effectively a child.”

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said when police carried out a search at the defendant’s home they found 790g of cannabis, £807 in cash and a phone with drug supply-related messages.

“The Crown say he was playing a significant role in street level dealing,” said Mr Tindall.

“He was 17 at the time of this offence which the court must take into account. He has a previous convictions for similar when he was 16-years-old for which he received a referral order.”

Daniel Frazer, defending, said it was nearly two years since the offence and there had been no further offending.

“He has started up his own business trading currency and is trying to live a law-abiding life,” said Mr Frazer.