A Wilpshire drug and alcohol addict with severe mental health issues was jailed for three years after an arson attack on “loving and supporting parents.”

Jack Lain, 37, appeared in Preston Crown Court after attempting to set fire to his parents' house with lighter fluid on September 24, 2023.

Lain, of Knowsley Road West, suffered from neurological symptoms including psychotic episodes, anxiety and depression and had previously been arrested after he punched his father hours earlier.

After appearing before Blackburn magistrates, he immediately disregarded the terms of his bail, which said he must not directly contact his father or attend the address Wilpshire and was seen by his mother in the garden of their house as she went to close the blinds.

Using a wine bottle filled with the flammable substance he proceeded to douse it through the window and across the floor.

As a result of his lighter malfunctioning his father tried to wrestle the bottle out of his hands and as he did so Lain managed to ignite it – causing significant burns to his father’s hand.  

The blaze quickly spread and ignited the whole room, forcing his parents to leave the property which suffered smoke damage.

He fled the scene and was arrested later that night.

His mother is currently suffering from a cancer diagnosis and Judge Ian Unsworth considered this when handing out his sentence.

Judge Unsworth added: “You know as I do the state of your mother's health. I know your parents have been looking at ways to spend time with you upon your release.

“You could not have more loving and supporting parents and they are truly remarkable people, they are victims of your offending but also your strongest supporters. They love you dearly.”

The judge outlined how three years before the incident Lain suffered from cancer himself and his relationship with his partner ended, leading to his rapid mental deterioration and drug and alcohol abuse.

The defence Kieran Galvin said: “He is young enough to rebuild his life and put this behind him. He has his parents as stoic, devoted, and forgiving and still remain aspirational for their son.

“He can have a productive life in the community, and I am sure his parents will be there for him.

“It would be nice to see Mr Jack Lain could spend as much time with his mother as he can in the next few years.”

His parents requested he take a drug rehabilitation course two weeks before he committed the crime.

Judge Unsworth added: “It is very fortunate that this incident did not result in more serious injuries to your parents.

“You have genuine remorse, and it is self-evident that in a more lucid state disgusted by what you did.

“This a total sentence of three years in imprisonment. You will serve up to half of that sentence and in a few months, you will be released on licence.

“Post-sentence both the prison and probation service will establish a sentence pathway to reduce your risk of harm and rehabilitation.”

Judge Unsworth told the court that psychiatric and medical reports would be sent to the prison to assist in his welfare.