A Burnley grandad who broke his hip in Egypt has landed back in the UK.

The family of Geoff, who also has Alzheimer's, said he was immediately taken to Blackpool Hospital and is being assessed to check his mental and physical state.

Geoff Seedall, 69, tripped in Egypt and injured himself, and his family were informed that flying him home on a stretcher would cost around £40,000, despite Geoff having travel insurance.

The grandad, who also has dementia and Alzheimer's, had landed in Sharm El-Sheikh on September 14 for a two-week holiday.

But he suffered a fall on September 20 and had been in hospital in Egypt since.

His family had launched a GoFundMe appeal after being told the insurance company would not pay for all the care, with more than £5,000 raised in the past week.

Geoff’s daughter-in-law Kelly said Geoff and grandson Ryan were now back in Britain.

She said: “Initially it was touch and go as he was very unresponsive, however, the last 24 hours are looking a lot brighter.

"The surgery for his leg will be arranged as soon as he is in stable condition. 

“His diabetes and ketone levels are currently the main concern, along with an infection. 

“He is on antibiotics so we are hoping that a few days on them will see the infection cleared along with his ketone levels decreasing.

“He has had several CT scans and will have an MRI which will hopefully bring more good news.”

She said they had to arrange the air ambulance but thanked NHS teams for their support.

Kelly added: “Our main concern was and is to get Geoff home and get him well but the stress of the money we owe is also taking its toll. 

“Thank you so very much to everyone who has donated, shared and helped us in this awful situation.

"We are really praying this will have a happy ending and the Burnley dad will make a full recovery. 

“Thank you also to the medical staff and paramedics on the air ambulance and at Blackpool Hospital who do such an amazing job every day.”