A couple have said the excessive noises due to modified cars being driven anti-socially around Blackburn are keeping many people awake late into the night.

The pensioners, who are in their seventies and live in the Ramsgreave area, said they had complained over the loud bangs and fireworks late at night numerous times to Blackburn with Darwen Council, but feel people are being forced to ‘live with it’.

The couple, who did not wish to be named, said: “We have tried endlessly over the last few years to address the issue of loud fireworks and loud fast cars occurring from mid evening until well after 11pm. 

“We have contacted the council, who advised us to contact the police, who in turn, advised us to contact the council.

“As you can guess there was no joy from either.

“Our neighbours are also distressed about this issue but they feel nothing can be done.

“It has become a way of life to try and time our bedtime and just hope the noise has stopped before you try to sleep but it really doesn't work as there is no logic as to when it all starts and ends. 

“This is not just weekends but most midweek nights too these days.”

The couple spoke out following complaints from residents in the Little Harwood area who said they were being plagued by people throwing fireworks at passers-by.

People across the town have also spoken of the growing number of vehicle exhausts modified to produce loud noises.

According to the government website it is illegal to modify the exhaust system to make a vehicle noisier after it has been ‘type approved’.

There are limits to the amount of noise that vehicles can make on public roads. This applies to all types of vehicles.

The police can also take action if a vehicle’s silencer doesn’t work in the way it was designed or if a person is driving in a way that creates too much noise.

Blackburn with Darwen Council said its environmental teams cannot deal with noises coming from traffic or street anti-social behaviour such as letting off fireworks and urges people to speak to the police.

The couple added: “We are a retired couple, but God help anyone who has to get up early for work or trying to get children to sleep.

“The whole issue is totally out of control. We actually bought earplugs last week, but it was waste of time.

“We have no idea where these fireworks are being set off as the sounds at night are very hard to pinpoint to a particular area.”