A village businessman is to extend his garage and move his dog grooming salon into it from his back room.

Derek Egan has been given planning permission for the move at his home in Harbour Lane, Edgworth.

A report from planning officer Adam Shaikh recommending approval says: "The application site relates to a detached bungalow lying to the east side of the residential cul-de-sac known as Harbour Lane in Edgworth.

"The application site lies at the end of the cul-de-sac adjacent to the Green Belt.

"The host dwelling benefits from a single car flat roof detached garage.

"This application seeks planning approval for the extension of the detached garage and the introduction of a dog grooming business from the garage.

"A Lawful Development Certificate for ‘Existing playroom within dwelling house to be converted to dog grooming room’ was granted on June 3, 2021.

"The proposal would result in the dog grooming business being re-located to solely within the garage. No other external alterations or additions are sought."

A supporting statement was received as part of the planning application which said: "My dog grooming business currently operates via a back room in our home.

"The business currently operates and will continue to operate via a booking system and a dog will be brought to our premises by the owner mostly by walking here as most dogs that come are local.

"I on occasion will walk and pick dogs up for the elderly who may be struggling on certain days ie poor weather conditions or if a person is in poor health.

"Owners are not allowed to wait for their dog, I text them with a time once I can be sure so they don’t have to wait around, especially in poor weather."

The planning report added: "The use of the garage for the purpose applied for, would operate at a level only a little above that which could be regarded as ancillary to the main dwellinghouse.

"The proposed business operation would be solely from the garage and is considered to be of minor scale and would pose no undue harm to neighbouring amenity.

"The approved use shall be restricted to the following times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6.30pm; Saturday, 9am to 1.30pm; and Sundays and Bank Holidays not permitted.

"The development hereby approved shall be carried on/occupied only by the applicant Derek Egan and not by any other person."