Outline planning permission has been submitted to build six holiday cottages on a farm in the Ribble Valley.

The applicant, Woodhouse Bespoke Ltd, wants to build the cottages at Tan Yard Farm in Hothersall, between Ribchester and Longridge.

Each of the lodges will have gardens and two parking spaces each, with a private amenity space to the south of the site.

A planning statement submitted to the borough council said: “The proposals will be designed to be small-scale in nature, appropriate to the rural context and to complement the existing development on Tan Yard Farm.

The lodges are planned for Tan Yard Farm in HothersallThe lodges are planned for Tan Yard Farm in Hothersall (Image: Studio John Bridge)

“New planting would also be proposed to soften the site and to ensure the proposals are sensitively integrated within the wider landscape.

“These further details will be submitted as part of a later reserved matters planning application.”

The applicants said they would be happy to restrict the occupancy of the lodges to ensure they are retained for holiday/tourism use and cannot be used as permanent accommodation.

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They also said they would accept any other conditions that are considered necessary in respect of the management and maintenance of the properties and guests.

The application made clear that the proposed development would be to provide tourist accommodation and that the lodges would be in-keeping with the character of the area.

There are six lodges planned for the siteThere are six lodges planned for the site (Image: Studio John Bridge)

The application site is located to the south of Ribchester Road which has a number of existing residential buildings located along it on both sides.

The statement added: “Whilst the erection of new buildings within the countryside will inevitably have an impact, particularly on the openness of the area, in this case the development will be ‘read’ as part of the existing built form and will not create a visually discordant form of development significant enough to warrant a refusal.”

A further application with more details on the design of the lodges themselves is expected to be submitted in the near future.

To read the plans in full, visit the council’s planning website.