A “nasty bully” beat his wife and son with a slipper after he said he had been embarrassed by his child’s behaviour.

Mohammed Tasib, 48, was at the time living in Accrington with his family – his wife of 12 years and their four children.

Preston Crown Court heard how on June 29, 2023, two of his children had been out playing with other youngsters in the neighbourhood and an argument began between them over a broken water pistol.

When those children’s parents confronted Tasib about it, he became angry and told his wife to go out and find his children.

Amy Weir, prosecuting, said his son was initially reluctant to return to the house as he said he knew his father would be angry, but was eventually convinced to.

He ran straight up to his bedroom and hid under a blanket. At this point, Tasib closed all the windows in the house and began beating his son with one of the slippers he had been wearing.

Tasib struck the boy, who was 12 years old at the time of the attack, around seven or eight times.

He also struck his wife to the back of the head two or three times as she tried to protect her son.

She eventually left the house, having been forcibly dragged out of the bedroom by Tasib, and asked a couple on the street who were returning home to call the police.

Tasib was arrested and admitted to hitting both his wife and his son. He told officers he assaulted his son because he broke another boy’s water pistol and he was embarrassed by this, and apologised to the neighbour.

In the same interview, he blamed his wife for not bringing up the boy “properly.”

Earlier this year, Tasib, having been granted bail at a different address, was caught on CCTV outside the family home.

On May 11 at around 2am, he was captured putting a curved item of some sort through the letterbox while he wore a mask.

Separate footage captured him discarding a blue carrier bag down a back alley and when this was recovered it was found to contain gloves, a mask, a curved pipe and the green shirt he had been seen wearing in the footage.

The prosecution submitted that he was most likely trying to gain access to the house using the curved pipe.

When he was arrested, he answered no comment to all questions.

Despite claiming in a letter to the court that the assaults were the first offences he had ever committed, Tasib does have two previous convictions – driving matters in 2007 and criminal damage and battery against his wife in 2019.

Edward Steele, mitigating, said the assault began as a “function of him being embarrassed by his child’s behaviour.”

He said it was the view of the probation service that they could work with him, especially as Tasib had been on remand since May.

Recorder Ayesha Siddiqi, sentencing, said: “In a letter you say you have not committed any offences before. That is simply not true. It’s fair to say from the pre-sentence report there appears to be very little remorse for what you did.

“You used a slipper and you hit your son seven or eight times. This was a prolonged and persistent assault.

“You were nothing but a nasty bully. You beat your wife and son.”

Tasib, now of Pringle Street, Blackburn, was sentenced to two years and six months in prison.