A former care home nurse who was sanctioned for mistakes in administering medicines has been struck off by her watchdog.

Parveen Fatima was employed as an adult nurse at Northwood Nursing and Residential Care Home in Blackburn when the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) found she failed to demonstrate knowledge, skill and judgment in medication administration,

She had administered medication to residents and then failed to sign their medical charts at the Preston New Road home.

Her fitness to practice was said to be impaired after the medication charge, along with seven other matters, including failing to administer medication to a resident, the inability to correctly calculate and draw up the amount of medication required by a resident, signing MAR charts incorrectly and making inappropriate decisions not to administer medication to residents, were found proven.

The hearing was told she had been on long-term sickness absence at Northwood before returning to work and she was unable to demonstrate good practice in respect of medicine administration.

Bosses placed her on supervised shifts and it was discovered she would miss medications or administer them at incorrect times if she had not been supervised closely.

Fatima was originally suspended by the NMC for 12 months in April 2022 - this was followed by further suspensions following two reviews in April 2023 and in March.

Lindsay McFarlane, a case presenter for the NMC, told a third review hearing Fatima had not engaged with the regulator since September 2020.

In her last contact with the watchdog, she said: "I am currently unemployed and I am not looking for work.

"I am focused on working on my health and well-being and resting at home at the moment.

"I don’t plan on seeking further work at the moment as it all depends on my health and well-being."

Ms McFarlane said Mrs Fatima had taken no steps to satisfy the previous panel’s recommendations on training and remediation and her fitness to practise was impaired on the grounds of public protection and a lack of insight into her failings.

The review panel, chaired by Rachel Ellis, said: "The panel noted that in light of Mrs Fatima’s disengagement with the NMC over a four-year period, there was reason to believe that there is an increased risk to patient safety because of the significant time that had passed since the original charges and the lack of any evidence that steps had been taken to improve or maintain her practice."

The panel ordered Mrs Fatima's name to be struck off the nursing register. This will come into force when the current suspension order expires on October 25.