A Blackburn mosque is inviting people from across the community to its annual family fun day.

The Masjid-e-Rizwan in Newton Street will host a fundraiser on Sunday at the Ivy Venue next door to the mosque.

The mosque is being rebuilt by the Kokni Muslim Association which is extending the building near the Lidl store off Furthergate.

The estimated cost of the renovations is said to be around £1.2 million and is being funded by private donations. The new larger mosque will accommodate 450 worshippers.

A mosque spokesperson said: “The day promises a day filled with engaging activities, and our team will be serving a variety of delicious dishes that highlight the rich flavours and traditions of our community.

“This year, our goal is to raise funds to support the first phase of the plumbing and electric installation.

"Your presence and participation would greatly contribute to the success of this event and the achievement of our fundraising goals. Looking forward to seeing you all.”