Local authority bosses are urgently assessing the costs of repairing and reopening a closed East Lancashire cultural hub.

Hyndburn Council leader Councillor Munsif Dad said the restoration of Oswaldtwistle Civic Arts Centre and Theatre remained a priority.

But he told the authority's Full Council meeting on Thursday the potential cost of refurbishing it would have to be balanced with other financial priorities.

Cllr Dad was responding to a request from Immanuel ward's Cllr Josh Allen for an update on the future of 'The Civic' which shut its doors suddenly in July 2023 after Hyndburn Arts Limited, the charity that had managed the theatre for 13 years, went into liquidation.

The Labour council leader also said Hyndburn Council was still seeking a new operator to run the theatre and arts centre.

Cllr Dad told Conservative Cllr Allen: "On September 4, 2023, Hyndburn Arts Ltd dissolved and the building was handed back to the council

"Council officers immediately carried out intensive health and safety work to ensure the council complies with its legal and insurance obligations in addition to a number of surveys to determine the condition of the building and its components.

"An independent survey was carried out in February 2024 but was not conclusive and further investigations such as roof timbers, fire safety measures, structural, windows etc will be needed before an accurate scope of works and therefore costs can be developed.

"As a guide to costs, a similar project at the Colne Municipal Hall had an original budget of £1,563,300 allocated.

"However, due to unexpected defects and extra work another £700,000 was required to complete the project.

"This excluded full new lighting and full new heating systems which are expected to be required at the Oswaldtwistle theatre which whilst safe do not meet current standards expected of a modern theatre.

"In the financial year 2023/2024 the council spent £52,020 on a number of surveys, immediate health and safety works etc,

"In 2024/25 the council has spent £14,898 up to August 31 on repairs, maintenance, energy. security insurance.

"No further works, with the exception of emergency works or surveys, will be carried out until an instruction is received from cabinet about the future of this building and a significant budget is allocated to design, deliver and manage the project.

"We are also talking to a few organisations that could potentially lease the civic theatre.

"It is a priority but the council also has other financial priorities."

Cllr Allen said: "In January this council committed unanimously to reopening the Civic Theatre.

"It is important not just to the residents of Oswaldtwistle but to all the residents or Hyndburn."