A “friendly and welcoming” primary school has retained its good rating from Ofsted.

Oswaldtwistle West End Primary School was visited for the first time since its conversion to an academy in 2022.

The report, published this week, found the pupils at the school were happy and staff gave them “the support they need to succeed.”

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It said: “Pupils learn and play well together. They enjoy break times and make full use of the school’s well-resourced grounds. For example, pupils enjoy playing football and basketball and chatting with each other.

“Older pupils show the youngest people how to behave well and how to make good friends. Pupils said they value the time that they spend in the school’s wildlife area.”

Ofsted said the school has strengthened its curriculum since their last visit and on the whole, this is delivered successfully.

However, in a small number of subjects, the school has not defined the essential knowledge pupils need to acquire, meaning staff are sometimes not clear about the knowledge pupils need for future learning.

The report continued: “Staff are thorough in identifying any additional needs that pupils may have. Staff adapt their delivery of the curriculum well so that most pupils with special educational needs and disabilities learn successfully alongside their peers.

“The school helps pupils to develop personally as well as academically. Pupils typically commented that it’s ‘okay to be different here’.

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“They learn to value diversity. For example, pupils from a local special school are regular and valued visitors. This partnership helps build pupils’ understanding of the world around them.

“Trustees and governors know the school well. The trust has effective processes in place to check how well pupils are learning. Staff are proud to work at the school.”