Hyndburn Council is reviewing its draft Local Plan and the giant Huncoat Garden Village scheme at the development blueprint's heart its leader has revealed.

Council leader Councillor Munsif Dad confirmed the authority had been offered a £30 million grant towards the controversial housing project by Homes England.

But he told Thursday's Hyndburn Full Council meeting the Labour administration elected in May had set up a special working group to review both the Local Plan, which sets out the council's development priorities until 2040, and the £100m garden village scheme for 1,816 new homes, one of East Lancashire's biggest ever housing developments.

Conservative opposition leader Cllr Zak Khan said he was 'extremely concerned' at the delay caused by the review and warned it could lead to losing the government cash.

He had asked Cllr Dad for updates on whether he intends to press ahead with the submission of the borough's Local Plan, and on the latest state of proposals to build the controversial Huncoat Garden Village on the site of a former colliery.

Council leader Munsif Dad welcomed a £30m grant offerCouncil leader Munsif Dad welcomed a £30m grant offer

The council leader replied: "Work has reached an advanced stage in the preparation of the new Local Plan for Hyndburn 2021 to 2040.

"The plan identifies site allocations to meet requirements of 194 dwellings per year (3,686 in total over the plan period) and 70 hectares of employmennt land.

"The version of the Local Plan consulted on at this stage is intended to represent the settled view of the council.

"The issues with the most comments were Huncoat Garden Village, the spatial development strategy, climate change. houing numbers, Whitebirk employment sites, Cut Lane in Rishton, employment land south of Altham, and Ringstonhalgh Farm Clayton-le-Moors.

"Officers are now preparing to submit the plan to the planning inspectorate for examination.

"This could take place as early as November/December 2024."

Cllr Dad said if approved by the government inspectors the council would expect to formally adopt the blueprint in late 2025 or early 2026.

Tory Cllr Zak Khan raised concerns over delaysTory Cllr Zak Khan raised concerns over delays

But he warned if the current plan was abandoned and a new one started the required annual new homes requirement would rise from 195 to 313 to meet the new Labour government's housing targets.

Cllr Dad said: "I am pleased to announce the council has received an offer of £30m from Homes England through its Brownfield Infrastructure Land Fund for the Huncoat Garden Village Project.

"This cabinet is committed to reviewing all major projects to ensure they meet the needs of our residents and deliver the best outcome for residents.

"The Huncoat Garden Village project is no exception.

"To this end a Cabinet Working Group has been established chaired by Cllr Clare Pritchard. We are talking to Hyndburn residents."

Cllr Khan said: "I am extremely concerned by this review and working group and the delays it will cause with tight government deadlines.

"I fear this could lead to use losing the £30m grant from Homes England for Huncoat Garden Village.

"The Labour group appears to be skirting around big decisions. It needs to make them."