Two of Rossendale’s best-known brass bands will join forces next month in a unique collaboration.

Water Village Band and the newly-named Silver Band from Bacup will come together on Friday, October 18 to put on a show at Waterfoot’s Boo Theatre.

Mike Rourke, musical director of Water Village Band said the non-competing group played their first public concert for several years earlier this year, and enjoyed it so much that they wanted to do it again.

He said: “Water is a non-competing band, we play primarily for fun and entertainment and so we wanted to include another music group to make a more varied programme.

“We had connections with the Silver Band from 2nd Rossendale Scouts who we knew have similar aims as ours and so the idea of a joint concert seemed like a good one to pursue.”

The Silver Band is loosely connected with the 2nd Rossendale Scouts Group having been set up 14 years ago to provide opportunities for parents and grandparents to rekindle their passion for instruments.

Conductor Graham Helm said: “The band has a small programme of community events which keep players’ interest without requiring the substantial commitment most brass bands require.

“When Water asked us to join them in a concert we jumped at the chance.”

The concert will start at 7pm on October 18, with the bar opening an hour before.

Each band will play a short programme designed to show a variety of brass band music suited to modern audiences and the performance will end with a couple of combined pieces.

Tickets are £8 each and can be bought by calling Tim Nuttall from Water Village Band on 07928 399681 or emailing