AN East Lancs man who was caught behind the wheel within seven months of being banned has been jailed.

Blackburn magistrates heard the latest offence put Arsalan Khan in breach of a suspended sentence imposed for a previous disqualified driving offence.

Khan, 43, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified on Netherfield Road, Nelson on 13 June and driving while over the limit for cocaine and its derivative, benzoylecgonine, and cannabis.

He was jailed for a total of eight months, banned for 54 months and ordered to pay a £154 victim surcharge on release.

Glenn Anderton, prosecuting, said the drug driving offences were committed at the same time as the first disqualified driving which was sentenced in November.

They were not dealt with at the time because samples had to be sent for analysis.

Mark Williams, defending, said his client was realistic and appreciated the suspended sentence would be activated.

“He has got himself into a downward spiral,” said Mr Williams. “He has lost the support of his family, lost his home and realises he needs to sort himself out.

A custodial sentence will give him the chance to sort himself out and move on following his release,” added Mr Williams.