Officers have been delivering sessions on speeding and anti-social behaviour in Burnley as part of 'community day of action'. 

This included educational visits to schools, where they delivered talks on cyber bullying and internet safety to help students understand the risks of online activities. 

Officers also delivered a session on anti-social behaviour as part of Lancashire Police’s Op Centurion.

In partnership with Burnley Council, the team also focused on road safety.  A joint parking enforcement operation took place outside a primary school, ensuring safe drop-off and pick-up of children and addressing parking violations.

Speed checks were conducted at various locations in the area, including Marsden Road, Brunshaw Avenue and Burnley Road, where 20 drivers were caught exceeding the speed limit. 

This was followed by a drop-in session at Burnley Wood Community Park, where Burnley FC in the Community joined a police officer versus children friendly football match. 

Burnley Neighbourhood Inspector, Matt Plummer, said “We remain committed to ongoing community engagement and proactive initiatives to keep the area safe.

“More events and actions will be planned in the future to continue to build on the success we’ve had and to continue to tackle the issues our communities are most concerned about.”