A Burnley woman told her partner she had been 'sleeping with other men' before stabbing him in the back of the leg during an alcohol and drug-fuelled argument, a court heard.

Sinead McDonnell, 26, reached for a kitchen knife during what was previously just a verbal argument before being goaded into the stabbing.

Corey Young, who sustained a puncture wound to the back of his left leg when he was retreating up the stairs having said “go on, stab me then” said he did not think McDonnell would do it.

Hugh McKee, prosecuting at Burnley Crown Court, said the argument began in the early hours of May 4.

McDonnell told Young she had been sleeping with other men as she “knew this would provoke a reaction” from him.

The verbal argument then turned physical, with McDonnell trying to grab Young around the neck, kneeing him in the stomach, and punching him in the testicles.

It was accepted in McDonnell’s basis of plea that she initially acted in self-defence to protect herself from an attack.

Young pushed McDonnell off him and to the floor, which led her to reach for a kitchen knife as she got back up.

He then goaded her and ran upstairs to get away, not realising he had been stabbed until he reached the top of the stairs.

At this point, Young called the police, and McDonnell continued her assault by hitting him around the head before leaving the property.

When she came back around 30 minutes later, she was arrested.

Ashleigh Heyworth, defending, said McDonnell accepts she “lost her temper.”

Ms Heyworth confirmed McDonnell breached her bail conditions by messaging Young regarding childcare arrangements, which led to her being remanded in custody.

She had already served around four-and-a-half months in prison, the equivalent of an eight-month sentence.

McDonnell said in her basis of plea: “I ultimately accept I took it too far. When he said ‘go on then’ I lost my temper and stabbed him in the leg.”

Judge Daniel Prowse, in his sentencing remarks, referred to abuse McDonnell suffered in previous relationships and accepted this caused her to act in self-defence when the argument with Young started.

The Judge also said being under the influence of drugs and alcohol may have contributed to what happened and how the event played out.

He added: “What you did was exceptionally dangerous. To stab anyone anywhere on their body is an act of serious criminality, whatever the circumstances were that gave rise to it.

“It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that people stabbed in the leg in that way can bleed to death. It’s no more than good luck this didn’t lead to the death of Corey Young.”

McDonnell, of Ford Street, pleaded guilty to one count of wounding without intent.

Judge Prowse imposed a three-year community order to allow for a longer period in which McDonnell can be monitored by the probation service.

She must also complete 40 rehabilitation activity days and complete a nine-month drug rehabilitation requirement.

In addition, the Judge imposed a two-year residence requirement and ordered monthly court attendance before him to oversee McDonnell’s progress.