A Blackburn boarding school has begun improvement works after national minimum standards were found to not be met at its last inspection.

However, the boarding accommodation is still "not of a good quality throughout.”

Ofsted carried out an unannounced monitoring visit at Jamiatul-ilm Wal Huda school in Moss Street, Blackburn, in July.

The school provides Islamic and secular education to male Muslim students and has boarding accommodation for students under the age of 18.

At a full inspection in November 2022, Ofsted found the school did not meet four of the national minimum standards for boarding schools.

These were:

  • The school’s governing body and/or proprietor monitors the effectiveness of the leadership, management, and delivery of the boarding and welfare provision in the school, and takes appropriate action where necessary
  • The school’s leadership and management fulfil their responsibilities consistently and effectively so the standards are met
  • Boarding houses and other accommodation provided for boarders are well-lit, heated, ventilated, cleaned and maintained, and reasonable adjustments are made to provide accessible accommodation for any boarders with disabilities
  • The school complies with Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and ensures that alerting systems are accessible and there are clear evacuation plans for all children, subject to their needs

A fresh report published this week said the school has started work on implementing these changes by repairing walls, placing carpets, and painting throughout.

The report said: “Leaders have better considered fire risks and fire doors have been repaired to improve their resistance.

“While there are improvements, the boarding accommodation is not yet of a good quality throughout for children.

“There are further works planned in the coming months.”

Governors have visited the boarding accommodation several times since the full inspection and have provided feedback to the headteacher.

Ofsted said the boarding accommodation still does not meet the second and third points outlined above.

No indication was given of when the next monitoring visit could be.