The RSPCA is investigating an incident of alleged neglect after a dog was found starved to skin and bone in Darwen.

Known as Diesel, the bulldog is around seven years old and is said to have suffered long-term neglect and starvation.

He was found severely emaciated, weighing slightly over 15kg, when a normal weight for the dog is around 28kg.

Diesel is now receiving emergency vet care and the professional examining him described him as scared, nervous, and worried.

Reports about the dog allegedly being abandoned by his owner were received by members of the local community who intervened and are helping the poor pooch regain weight and confidence.

A spokesperson from the RSPCA said: “We are aware of this situation, and it is being investigated.

“Unfortunately, we are unable to discuss specific complaints and what action may have been taken.

“We understand how frustrating that is for animal lovers but releasing information could prejudice a future prosecution or could lead to us being fined.

“We’re so grateful to people who report suspected animal suffering to us and we would like to reassure people we will always look into and, if necessary, investigate any complaints made to us about animal welfare.”

The community is continuing to support Diesel, and a Facebook page has been created to provide care, food and toys to help in his rehabilitation.

He has been taken in by Emeleah Koselka and Elliott Shaw, a local couple who are fostering him to support his progress and will consider taking him on full-time if he gets on with the other dogs.

Anyone with any information which can assist the investigation is asked to contact the RSPCA.