A pet owner from Darwen has described the terrifying moment his dog jumped from the first floor of Darwen Tower.

Ben Eccles took his silver Labrador, Bronson, for a walk around the 85-foot tower and decided to walk up to the first floor to take a picture.

Four-year-old Bronson proceeded to jump over the wall and dropped around 30 feet to the ground, according to Ben.

Ben, 26, said: “It didn’t cross my mind that Bronson would attempt to jump off.

“He has no concept of height and as I was taking the picture he decided to jump over the wall. I heard him hit the floor. He was yelping and crying.

“In that moment I just thought, ‘oh my goodness what has just happened’. I was terrified but in that moment I was so glad he was alive.”

Ben and his girlfriend, Ffion Sagar, went to an emergency vet in Bolton.

Ben Eccles needs surgeryBen Eccles needs surgery (Image: Ben Eccles) Ben said: “It was really difficult for me because I felt so responsible for what happened to him. Looking back, I think, ‘why I didn’t put him on a lead’.

“Dogs are like another family member. I work from home so he is with me all the time. He is a very needy dog who likes to be around people.

“The thought of anything happening to him is heartbreaking.”

Ben Eccles snapped his ligaments after jumping off Darwen TowerBronson snapped his ligaments after jumping off Darwen Tower (Image: Ben Eccles) Bronson sustained snapped ligaments in both of his front paws in the fall, and now requires urgent orthopedic surgery to get him back to full health.

The surgery alone is estimated to cost around £6,000, and this doesn’t include follow-up treatments such as laser therapy or physiotherapy, which Bronson will likely need to make a full recovery. 

Ben has launched a GoFundMe in order to help raise funds for the medical bills.

Without it, he’ll continue to be in pain and unable to live the active, happy life he once enjoyed.

“He is completely unable to walk,” Ben said. “He is heavily medicated.

"He can’t go to the toilet because that puts pressure on his front paws. He can only lie down until his surgery.

“Without this surgery his quality of life would be so poor. Morally, it would be wrong to keep him alive.”

At the time of writing, more than £3,000 has been raised.

Ben said: “The response we have had [to the fundraiser] is amazing. We’ve both been praying for his safety and comfort. We want to thank anyone who has donated.

“What began as an impossible cost to cover now it is looking like we can go forward with the surgery.”

You can donate to the fundraiser by visiting www.gofundme.com and searching ‘help Bronson the adventurous silver lab’.