A planning application to build six new holiday cottages in a Ribble Valley village has been refused by the council.

Mr Pawan Abrol has applied to the council to build the cottages on land off Longsight Road in Clayton-le-Dale.

The application site is adjacent to an existing holiday complex.

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The council said in a decision notice that the scale and design of the units would "result in a poor standard of design" and would prove detrimental to the character of the area.

They added the proposals would be above that of "small-scale" and would not be supported in the open countryside location.

A design and access statement submitted to the borough council said: “The proposal is to expand the existing holiday complex to the north and west by virtue of extending the established access roads into the development site to service six new cottages.

“The building's scale, massing, form and materials will have a similar appearance to the existing holiday homes in order to reflect the existing vernacular.

“The new cottages have a larger footprint than the existing buildings by virtue of each one having a floor plan showing a level of accommodation to guests offering three bedrooms.

“The site is located off Longsight Road and will utilise the existing access off the A59 adjacent to the entrance to Sunnyside.

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“The site has an open aspect to the west across established fields/grassland with tree cover and hedgerows to the north and an existing holiday cottages complex to the south and east.”

The applicant has six months to appeal the council's decision if they wish.

To view the plans in full, visit the council's planning website.