Shoppers have spoken of their frustrations at having to go on a lengthy detour to access The Mall and Blackburn Market due to broken lifts.

The lifts located at the back of the market, located close to Costa Coffee and Finch Bakery in the Mall, have been cordoned off as they are both out of order.

One of the lifts had been working, but both are believed to have been out of action for more than a month, meaning wheelchair users and people with disabilities are having to take a detour to move between the Mall and the market.

There are lifts outside PureGym and Poundland, but neither of these connect directly to Blackburn Market.

Catherine Barron, 63, uses a walking frame and said the situation was unacceptable for her and other shoppers with similar mobility issues or with pushchairs.

She said: “One of the lifts was out of order for a while and now the other one is not working.

“It is causing a lot of problems not only for myself but for other shoppers.

“I have used the escalator but it is not ideal. I have to wait for someone to take my frame down and then I hold on to the side.

"It is not made for people with walking frames and certainly not for anyone in a wheelchair.

“I am frightened when I use it to be honest.

“I saw one person sitting down on the escalator as they used it.”

“I have to walk around to the ramp off Darwen Street and opposite Lloyds Bank which is not ideal again as I struggle to walk long distances.

“I don’t normally complain but this is causing a lot of issues for people with disabilities and I have spoken to a lot of shoppers.”

Catherine said she travels into town by taxi and gets dropped off at the market in Church Street.

On the lifts being repaired, she added: “I got told that they are waiting for parts or something when I went to the office.”

The lifts that connect The Mall and the market have been cordoned offAnother shopper who uses a walking frame, but did not wish to be named, said: “It is shocking actually.

“If I want to get from the market up to the Mall I have to go round to where the Post Office used to be and then take the lift up from there, and then I have to take a long detour into the Mall.

“I used to be able to cut through Boots but can’t do that now.

“When I asked they said they are working on it. But it has been over a month already and the other lift has been out of order for a lot longer.

“I park at Brown Street Car Park and then make my way into town.”

The Mall has been approached for comment.