A train operator has revealed why its onboard wi-fi blocks Tinder and other dating apps.

Serial swipers across the North are unable to search for a partner online while onboard Northern trains.

Northern’s on-board Wi-Fi is delivered under the Friendly Wi-Fi scheme, which blocks access to certain categories of content, including those associated with dating.

Websites and apps related to video streaming, gambling, alcohol, adult content, pornography and nudity are also blocked on-board, as are software updates and file-sharing services.

The policy ensures Northern’s on-board internet service meets minimum filtering standards given the fact children could be present.

Matt Rice, chief operating officer at Northern, said: “We welcome millions of people on-board our trains every year – and access to safe and reliable internet is part and parcel of our customers’ expectations.

“Whilst some dating websites – and users – will operate with appropriate levels of self-moderation, some might not and it’s important that content not suitable for everyone to see or hear - particularly children – isn’t viewed on our trains.

“With some of the other banned categories – it’s simply about ensuring that there is sufficient bandwidth for all our customers to use while they’re on the go.

“This on-board dating app embargo aside, we wish our single customers all the best in their search for their perfect partner.”

In 2023, Northern reminded customers that ‘NSFW content’ (Not Suitable For Work) was not appropriate to view on-board its trains too.

Content considered ‘NSFW’ can range in scale from inappropriate jokes and bad language to offensive topics and explicit material.

Northern has been a member of the Friendly Wi-Fi scheme, which is delivered in partnership with the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS), since 2017.

Northern is the second largest train operator in the UK, with nearly 2,500 services a day to more than 500 stations across the North of England.