A grammar school’s ex-pupils are being asked to test their brainpower again and help good causes.

Accrington Grammar School Old Boys Association is organising a general knowledge quiz night, and is inviting 'missing' ex-pupils to come and join in.

The quiz with pie-and-pea supper and raffle is at the Peel Park Hotel, Accrington, on Friday, September 27, and the £10 entry fee will go towards the association’s charity pot.

“We know there are lots of ex-pupils who aren’t members, or were members and have lost touch, and we’d like to hear from them,” said Geoff Snape, the association’s chairman, who was a pupil from 1962 to 1969.

“It doesn’t cost anything to join, although we ask members to support our events or make a voluntary donation.”

Accrington Grammar School for boys ceased to exist in 1975 when it became part of Moorhead High, and the old boys’ association was formed for ex-pupils to swap memories and help young people.

This year they have donated £500 each to a boxing club, a scout group and American-style flag football players.

The quiz night is open to AGSOB members and their guests, and any ex-pupils who want to sign up can e-mail Geoff at geosnap@aol.com