We have got to the point now that we realise that Donald Trump can say anything. In fact, he has been saying anything for years and each time he does he surprises us all again.

Yet, we all let it go and people forgive him until next time.

We are almost shocked when he does not say anything stupid and makes outrageous claims.

The worrying thing is that this man was actually president and he still has millions of people out there are ardent admirers of him. Even here in the UK.

Regardless of what he says and when he says it, we have groups and individuals backing this man to be the next leader of the so-called ‘free world’.

Over the years we in the West have mocked other countries for their choice in leadership. We do this because it makes us feel a little more superior.

Individuals would be caricatured for their strange eating habits or the amount of golden Rolls Royces they had parked outside.

You know, our system of government is so wonderful that we will only elect the most intelligent and most worthy. Actually, most people know it makes little difference who is in charge of the asylum as long as someone is.

Imagine some Middle Eastern leader or African president had come out with a comment telling people that ‘immigrants are eating your pets’ on live TV during a debate.

What this most recent episode has shown is that you can say what want about immigrants and get away with it. Yes, you will get ridiculed for a day or so but a few weeks later people will forget you said it.

Laying the blame of society’s ills on immigrants and migrants I say, is the last desperate argument of someone who can’t find any other solution. It is an easy way out for most as it deflects the work of actually tackling the real problems in government.

It resonates with people who already believe the greatest problem in their country is people of another race, culture and religion.

We went through a similar period in the last few years of the Tory government. 

Rather than tell me who forced interest rates up, made everything more expensive or wasted billions on pointless Covid contracts – I had to hear about ‘them immigrants’.

It was far easier to blame a familiar foe than get some work done.