A woman was caught with almost five grams of heroin inside a Kinder Egg when she was stopped by police.

Bridget Roberts, 68, was stopped in Accrington on October 17, 2022, inside a car with a co-defendant.

Stephen Parker, prosecuting at Burnley Crown Court, said the Kinder Egg contained two separate packages of heroin, totalling 4.75g at a value of between £115-150.

Roberts was also found with £145 in cash.

The vehicle contained an array of other drugs which Emma Kehoe, in mitigation, said did not belong to Roberts as she had been asked to look after them.

Ms Kehoe also said her client was not in good health and is on a “catalogue of medication.”

Roberts, who walks using crutches, did not surrender to the dock and instead heard the case from the public gallery due to her health conditions.

She pleaded guilty to one count of possession of heroin, having originally been charged with possession with intent to supply both heroin and crack cocaine.

The other charges were recorded as a not guilty verdict.

Judge Daniel Prowse said: “On that day police saw you with a co-defendant who received a prison sentence for what they did.

“A search revealed you had a Kinder Egg containing 4.75g of heroin. The prosecution has accepted you didn’t intend to supply it.

“You have a whole raft of health concerns and difficulties. It’s plainly the case that you have substantial mitigation which your co-defendant didn’t have.”

Roberts, of Spindle Berry Court, Accrington, was given a conditional discharge lasting 18 months.

Judge Prowse added: “If you get in any trouble in relation to any offending, the court can look at this again and re-sentence you.”