A man who approached young children in Blackburn town centre, kissed a painting, and racially abused a security officer who intervened has been jailed for six months.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Yves Tempels' bizarre behaviour caused great distress to the parents of children, one of them thinking he was trying to snatch her four-year-old son.

Tempels, 40, of Hermitage Street, Rishton, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour and racially aggravated threatening behaviour towards Mubeen Khalifa.

He was jailed for 26 weeks and ordered to pay £80 compensation to each of the three victims.

Nicola Mills, prosecuting, said the incidents occurred in the early afternoon of Sunday, August 4.

A mother with her two children, aged seven and four, was outside Holland and Barrett in The Mall when Tempels approached.

Yves Tempels being arrested after approaching children and sniffing a girl's hairYves Tempels being arrested after approaching children and sniffing a girl's hair (Image: Submit)

He spoke to the four-year-old child and said “come on” before crouching down and reaching out for the boy’s arm.

“She was deeply  concerned about what he was trying to do,” said Miss Mills.

“Her initial thought was that he was trying to take her child away from her.”

Shortly after a man in McDonalds with his two children noticed the defendant, who was clearly intoxicated, talking to himself.

He took a painting that had been done by children down from the wall and started kissing it.

“He was using foul language and the man asked him to stop swearing before moving away,” said Miss Mills.

“The defendant followed and the man saw him touch his daughter's hair and then he appeared to be sniffing her hair.

"He then touched the foot of a baby who was in a pram nearby.”

Miss Mills said when Mr Khalifa, a security guard, intervened Tempels racially abused him by calling him a “monkey.”

“There is a worrying undertone to the offences, made more concerning because he has previously been convicted of sexual offences and is on the sex offender register,” said Miss Mills.

“He has appeared by video link from prison because he is serving a sentence for breaching sex offender registration requirements."

Richard Prew, by way of mitigation, said his client had suffered a fall and sustained head injuries which required hospital treatment.

“When he was discharged he went for a drink which probably exasperated his concussion,” said Mr Prew.

“He already has mental health issues and its concerning that he doesn’t remember what he did that day.”