A MAN who left a party after being confronted by another guest crashed into a parked car on his way home.

Blackburn magistrates heard Lucas McIntyre, who failed a breathalyser test, told officers the row had put him in an angry mood.

McIntyre, 22, of Kingsway, Church, admitted to driving with excess alcohol. He was fined £350 with £85 costs. He was banned from driving for 14 months.

Damien Pickup, defending, said his client, a trainee accountant, was ashamed to be appearing in court for the first time.

McIntyre had gone to the party with his then-girlfriend and intended to get a taxi home.

Mr Pickup added: “Another partygoer had a go at him and got very aggressive. He made the decision to leave the party and thought he would be okay to drive home. Unfortunately he was involved in a minor collision with a parked vehicle.”