Police were called by members of the public concerned about the behaviour of a man in charge of a six or seven month old baby.

Blackburn magistrates heard Aqeel Ahmed who left a restaurant on several occasions leaving the child unattended was found to be in possession of a wrap of cocaine.

Ahmed, 27, of Beddington Street, Nelson, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and using threatening behaviour. He was fined £80 with £85 costs and a £64 victim surcharge.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said Ahmed had drugs on him while in charge of a baby.

“In my view you are lucky only to have been charged with a public order matter,” she said.

Victoria Forrest, prosecuting, said police were called to Nando's on Brown Street, Burnley, by concerned members of the public.

When officers arrived and spoke to Ahmed they formed the opinion he was under the influence of drugs.

While they were waiting for someone to arrive and take over care of the child, Ahmed was shouting and swearing.

“He was told repeatedly to stop swearing but persisted and was arrested for the public order offence,” said Miss Forrest. “When he was searched a single bag of cocaine was found.”

John Rusius, defending, said his client felt the police had been “a bit over the top” in the way they dealt with him and he had been shouting and swearing as a result.