A live trial event centred around cannibalism is set to take place in Lancaster.

This social experiment, featured on BBC's Dragon's Den, invites the public to participate as jury members and decide the fate of the fictional character, Jack Brewer.

The storyline has been inspired by infamous serial killers Dennis Nilsen and Jeffrey Dahmer.

The character of Jack Brewer is accused of murdering three individuals in 2023, with their remains found at an allotment.

He is also alleged to have consumed the flesh of his victims.

The narrative suggests that Brewer, 46, from Finchley, North London, may have been responsible for as many as 23 murders over a decade.

The event organisers said: "Tickets give you access to the courtroom arena, in the largest inflatable arena in the UK.

"There will also be a fully licensed bar within our set-up.

"You also get access to your seat on your jury, the show itself, evidence to help you reach your verdict, and the juror card and verdict sheet where you will cast your vote.

"It’s as close to jury service as you can get."

The event will take place from Friday, October 4, until Sunday, October 6, with two sessions each day.

The first session will run from 6pm until 11pm on Friday, and 12pm until 4pm and 6pm until 11pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Tickets are available to purchase online, but the event is only open to those aged 18 and over.