A Bacup primary school has seen its rating slip from outstanding to good following an inspection by Ofsted.

Holy Trinity Stacksteads Church of England Primary School, in Booth Road, was inspected on July 2 and 3, having been handed an outstanding rating in 2013.

In this year's report, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management were all rated ‘good’.

In the latest report, published on September 9, inspectors said: “Pupils appreciate the exciting ways in which teachers capture their curiosity through the topics that they study.

“Pupils generally respond well to the high expectations that are set for their achievement.

“In the main, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), remember the key learning that is set out in the school’s curriculum in most subjects.”

The behaviour of children was highlighted as a specific strength with responsibility handed to older students acting as a key catalyst for this whilst also having a positive effect on pupil’s confidence and self-esteem.

They were also praised for the number of trips that were provided which enhance children’s learning of the curriculum.

And because of a clear curriculum, which teachers stick to check on understanding helps deepen children’s understanding.

Inspectors added: “Pupils behave well in lessons and cooperate effectively with each other when learning together.

“For example, in the early years, children encourage each other to offer their opinions when discussing their work.

“Across the school, disruption to learning rarely happens, but when it does, the school tackles this quickly and decisively.”

In most subjects, pupils remember learning and achieve well however there were some gaps in a small number of subjects in key stages 1 and 2.

The report continued: “Teachers are unsure about some of the key knowledge that needs to be taught to help pupils connect different aspects of their learning together.

“As a result, some develop gaps in their understanding. This makes it difficult for them to explain some of their learning.”

They also provide a range of opportunities for personal development including mental health work which empowers pupils to deal with difficult situations such as friendship issue.

There is also faith sessions to ensure that pupils have a clear knowledge of the similarities and differences of the beliefs of others.

Safeguarding arrangements are effective.