A convicted sex offender failed to complete his annual signing on requirement despite a reminder from the police just a week earlier.

Blackburn magistrates heard Yves Tempels told officer's he couldn't afford the bus fare to the police station and they suggested he could walk.

Tempels, 40, of Hermitage Street, Rishton, pleaded guilty to failing to comply with Sex Offender Registration requirements. He was jailed for 26 weeks and

ordered to pay £154 victim surcharge.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said it was the fifth time Tempels had breached the requirements.

"You were reminded by the police of the requirements but still didn't comply," said District Judge Preston.

"You have a repeated history of sexual offending, some offences committed while on the register, and I am satisfied this was a deliberate breach."

Nicola Mills, prosecuting, said Tempels was put on the Sex Offender Register in 2021 when he was convicted of sexual assault on a female and jailed for 14 months.

She said police attended the defendant's home shortly before he was due to sign on to return some property to him. 

"They reminded him of the requirements and he said he had no money and couldn't get to the police station," said Miss Mills.

"They pointed out that both Greenbank and Accrington police stations were within walking distance and there was no excuse for him not signing on."

When he was arrested for failing to sign on Tempels accepted he had been reminded.

"He gave a number of excuses, saying he had back ache and couldn't walk, couldn't get transport and had no money for a bus," said Miss Mills.

Gareth Price, defending, said his client accepted the court would rule that it was a deliberate refusal but asked the Judge to take into account his client's

difficult circumstances which largely stemmed from difficulties with his benefits.

"I know it is only £2 to get a bus to the police station but if you don't have £2 it is a lot of money," said Mr Price.

He said Tempels had not tried to avoid the police.

"He was at his home address where he is subject to a GPS tag so his whereabouts were known own at all times," said Mr Price.