A Blackburn boy has lost his beloved toy lion and his mother is desperately hoping the  community can help her find it.

Like most children, Henry Taylor was attached to his cuddly toy lion from the moment it was given to him.

Without it, Henry doesn’t sleep and mum Briony has had numerous restless nights praying the toy will be returned.

On Monday, September 2 the family went out for lunch for Briony’s birthday, and the toy was lost somewhere near Mincing Lane car park and Checks and Greys restaurant.

At some point, the lion fell out of Henry’s pram and the family desperately searched the area and placed numerous posts across social media.

Briony said: “He is very upset, he is not sleeping; he is constantly looking for it. We got a new version which we call the fake lion which he constantly flings and gets angry with us."

Briony added: “He has not slept at all. He has to sleep on me and then to put him down.

“I tried with my clothing and all sorts, and he is just not having any of it. During the day I must put him in the pram to get him to sleep.”

The family has returned to the place where they thought he was dropped on several occasions with no luck.

Henry was born with a kidney issue that meant he has bouts of hospital stays and has had many x-rays and gamma radiation tests all with his lion by his side.  

Briony added: “I'm begging if anyone sees him or has him to give him back to one very sad one-year-old.”

She thinks that someone might have picked him up in the short time that they realised the toy wasn’t with them.

If you have found the toy email Briony on b.taylor93@outlook.com