A Blackburn man, who has faced mental health issues for years, is making a difference through an ambitious swimming challenge.

Ben is swimming to raise funds for mental health charity Mind.

Covering a journey of more than 1,000 lengths, Ben has raised in excess of £500 for those battling their own mental struggles.

Ben said: "I took on the challenge of swimming 16 miles in August to raise money for Mind.

"I wanted to give back to the community and help others who have struggled with mental health issues like me."

He added that, after seeing a significant improvement in his mental health with the aid of doctors, staff and coping mechanisms, Ben decided to turn his focus to his physical health.

Ben added: "Over time, I became motivated to exercise regularly and gradually developed a routine.

"As things got easier, I lost a significant amount of weight, and I started going to the gym and swimming five days a week at 6am."

To celebrate Ben's commitment and achievement, staff at Cygnet Fountains, where Ben received help, held a BBQ to aid in gathering additional funds for Mind.

Cygnet Health Care occupational therapy assistant, Sarah Riding, said: "Ben has worked so hard to get to where he is now.

"Through pure strength and determination, he has reached his goals and changed his mindset.

"He has also, in the process, raised a large amount of money for charity.

"It has been a pleasure supporting Ben with his fundraising, and I am looking forward to seeing what else Ben achieves, as I know there is much more to come."