A MAN arrested in connection with an alleged burglary was found to be in possession of a knife.

Blackburn magistrates heard on a separate occasion Marian Kuzminski was stopped while driving and found to be three times the legal drink driving limit.

Kuzminski, 58, of Harold Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to possession of a knife in Barnes Street, Accrington, and drink driving. He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Rachel Evans, prosecuting, said police responded to a report of an ongoing burglary at a house on Barnes Street.

Kuzminski was one of two people arrested at the scene and when he was arrested a kitchen knife was found in his pocket.

“The offence of burglary has not been taken further because there was no complainant in the matter,” said Miss Evans.

The excess alcohol offence came to light after a member of the public reported seeing a man drinking while driving.

Bill Rawstron, defending, said it was accepted that a pre-sentence report would be required.