Plans have been lodged to construct a pump track at a park in an East Lancashire town.

Applicants say the creation of the track at Longridge Recreation Ground, submitted on behalf of Ribble Valley Borough Council, represents the culmination of a period of community consultation which identified the need for a new wheeled sports facility in the area.

The proposals involve the construction of a pump track of 1,500sq.m of land within the recreation ground on undeveloped open space to the south of the existing skatepark.

Redline Planning, the council’s agents for the application, said care has been taken to ensure the track does not encroach onto any playing pitch facilities.

A pump track is a circuit of rollers, banked turns, and features designed to be ridden completely by riders generating momentum with up and down body movements instead of pedalling or pushing.

Well-engineered tracks have features that allow children and adults of all skill levels to enjoy them at the same time.

Pump tracks can be used by those on mountain bikes, BMX bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters and even wheelchairs. They are increasingly used for exercise and can help to develop balance and bike-handling skills.

Works required for the track in Longridge will include the excavation of the area and subsequent formation of track bumps and berms of varying heights. The shaped area will be surfaced with asphalt while turf will be planted between the main track’s lines.

Wildflowers will be plated on the soiled areas outside the strip while three new native trees will also be planted along the eastern side of the site.

A design statement said: “The council intends to install a pump track in Longridge, to encourage new users to take up cycling and walking by providing a fun facility for cycling and other wheeled sports.

“The project is required to meet the needs of underrepresented groups who have very few age-appropriate facilities suitable for their recreational use and community social activity in the local area.”

To view the plans in full, visit the council’s planning website.