A fundraiser has been launched for the funeral of a two-year-old boy who was brutally murdered by his dad in Blackpool. 

Last August, Daniel Hardcastle killed Damion Russell in what police described as a "brutal and sustained" assault at their home.

Now, a fundraiser has been launched by Hannah Hocking, from Lytham, in order to give the child the send-off he deserves. The funeral is set to take place in mid-September.

Damion Russell Damion Russell (Image: Lancashire Police)

Hannah, an acquaintance of Damion’s mum, Tara Russell, said she felt touched by the family’s tragic story and couldn’t sit in silence.

The singer, who has offered to sing free of charge at the funeral, said: “My heart breaks for Tara and I feel very drawn to help her. The funds will go towards the funeral. 

"If there is any money left over it could be used to give his mum some professional counselling which she has not received.

“I have a busy life, but I just had to find the time to help.”

As a mum herself, Hannah said Tara’s story resonated with her. 

 Damion’s mum, Tara RussellDamion’s mum, Tara Russell (Image: Hannah Hocking)

She said: “I want to support and do my best to help. I have a two-year-old daughter and if that was her, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I’d love to get him finally rested and make sure the family has been looked after. I am a mummy who just wants to help a family in need.

“We’re trying to raise as much money as we can and I want to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone who has already so kindly donated and offered support.

"Some of the funeral funds are being covered for a low cost or for free thanks to the funeral director, local suppliers and the church where the funeral is likely to be held.

“Nothing has been done for a year and this little boy still hasn’t been buried. We believe Damion deserves so much more than the bare minimum. If anyone feels they’re able to offer any help to the family, please do get in touch.

"Thank you for your continued support, please do keep sharing the go fund me page, the more awareness, the better.”

Hardcastle was found guilty by a jury at Preston Crown Court in July 10 was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 22 years before he will be able to apply for parole.

Daniel Hardcastle Daniel Hardcastle (Image: Lancashire Police)

He claimed his son had injured himself after falling and hitting his head on a coffee table but a pathologist found the extensive injuries Damion suffered were inconsistent with that claim.

Damion was taken to hospital following the assault but died two days later.

The trial heard that Damion had suffered horrendous injuries including a forceful adult human bite mark to his upper right thigh.

He had also suffered fractured ribs, bruising across his whole body and a tear to the inside of his lip consistent with a drinking bottle being forced into his mouth.

To donate to the fundraiser visit: https://gofund.me/bcf0ae14