A decorated soldier turned to crime to fund a drug habit following his discharge from the army.

Blackburn magistrates heard Liam Hendry committed his first criminal offence at the age of 33 after 12 years of serving his country.

Damien Pickup, defending, said more needed to be done to support ex-servicemen like his client.

“He is under no illusion as to where he is going today, he is going to prison,” said Mr Pickup.

“I hope that someone out there listens to what I am about to say and the next time he comes out of prison there is something there for him.”

Mr Pickup said his client, aged 34, had served in the British Army for 12 years and had a distinguished career, receiving four medals. He served in Afghanistan, Belize and Kenya.

“Something happened in Kenya which caused him a lot of anguish and he left the Army,” said Mr Pickup.

“At the age of 33 he committed his first criminal offence and things have exploded since then. There is a lack of support out there for people like him who have served their country with honour and distinction.”

Mr Pickup said every time his client went to prison he came out and was just left alone. On the latest occasion he was sent to Rotherham but wanted to go home to his home town of Accrington.

“Since he returned to Accrington he has been stealing to survive,” said Mr Pickup.

“There was a drug problem but since his release he has not been taking drugs.

"Something needs to be done to support people leaving the armed forces and people leaving prison. 

“He has served his country with distinction and I hope his country can give him something back and help him get back on the straight and narrow.”

Hendry, 34, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to 13 charges of shoplifting. He was jailed for 26 weeks.