A woman whose house had been taken over by uninvited guests was dragged back into the property by a man she considered a friend.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Mohammed Hussain grabbed the victim by her right arm and leg and tried to carry her back into the house.

Hussain, 36, of Randal Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to assault and obstructing a police officer.

He was fined £180, ordered to pay £100 compensation to his victim, and to pay a £72 victim surcharge.

He was made subject to a restraining order for three years which prohibits any contact with the victim.

Uzma Kausar, prosecuting, said the aggrieved had known Hussain for three years having met through mutual friends.

On the day of the incident, she found him in her property and asked him to leave.

He refused and later she noticed he had invited others to her home.

She went outside and he followed and told her to come back in.

“She refused and said not until everyone had left,” said Miss Kausar.

“He grabbed her by the right leg and right arm and tried to carry her back into the property, at which point she called the police.”

Hussain was released on police bail with a condition he kept away from the victim’s home.

When police found him there he gave an incorrect name.

Gareth Price, mitigating, said his client had supported his friend through some difficult times.

“He accepts he was there and there were others there,” said Mr Williams.

“He says the others were creating the problems and he told her she shouldn’t leave the house it should be them.”