A HOSPITAL catering supervisor crashed her car as she left the facility.

Blackburn magistrates heard Yasmine Marsh repeatedly told police she had drunk four pints of cider and would lose her job.

Marsh, 32, of Kings Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

She was fined £120 with £85 costs and £48 victim surcharge. She was banned from driving for 20 months.

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said police were called to the hospital at 9.40pm following a collision.

The defendant was with security staff and her badly damaged car was blocking the access road to the hospital.

“She admitted being the driver and on numerous occasions said she had had four pints of cider and that she was going to lose her job. She said she had been drinking and then came back to get her car.

Marsh, who was not represented, said she just wanted to apologise to everyone who was involved.