A Blackburn short-term breaks service which allows children to “flourish” has been rated outstanding by Ofsted.

Apple Tree in Blackburn was praised for its service which provides short breaks for children up to the age of 18 with disabilities.

It marks the tenth consecutive year of outstanding Ofsteds for the council-run centre, which has contributed to significantly improving the outcomes of children and young people.

They provide a range of services, depending on the needs of the child, young person and carer.

A report published earlier this year found the centre to be ‘outstanding’ in the overall experiences and progress of children and young people, how well children and young people are helped and protected and the effectiveness of leaders and managers.

Inspectors said: “Children flourish as a result of the excellent care they receive from a dedicated and skilled staff team.

“Children with complex physical health needs and significant additional learning needs are given opportunities to have fun, explore new interests and make small steps towards being more independent.”

They were also praised for their wide array of resources and in particular the home and garden and as a result children's stays are harmonious and meet their collective needs and interests.

Denise Park, chief executive of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, said: “It’s brilliant to see the fantastic work that goes on there and I received some positive feedback from family members and staff that the service is excellent, and they are proud that it is being recognised as one of the best of its type in the country.

“Well done to everyone involved for keeping the standards of care to an outstanding level once again.”

Councillor Julie Gunn, deputy leader and executive member for children, young people and education, said: “Ten outstanding Ofsted reports is absolutely amazing.

“We are incredibly proud of the staff at Apple Trees and after speaking to parents of the children who use the service it’s clear to see that it really is a home from home. Well done to everyone.”

Children receive a minimum of one-to-one support and staffing ratios are increased with each child’s individual needs.

The report added: “Highly skilled staff use their expertise and knowledge of children to provide a child-centred response to children’s distress.”

There are also well-established practices in place between parents and staff in the handover of medication and they are diligent in their duty of care.

Manager Jeremy Wood has been in charge for nine years and continues to demonstrate undiminished commitment to the children who attend.

He said: “I am amazingly proud of this achievement once again we are outstanding.

“The team work incredibly hard and are so committed to the job that they do. The above and beyond approach by the team is what makes it work.

“We work tirelessly to get the best outcome for our young people.”