Plans have been submitted to turn former stables in the grounds of a historic country house into a gym/health spa.

Hall Foot in Worston is a large 19th-century house set on the edge of the Forest of Bowland, boasting large grounds to the rear.

The subject of the planning application is the former stables which comprises a detached building a few metres east of the house.

Under plans submitted to Ribble Valley Borough Council, the building could become a gym for the owners of the property, however, some renovations are needed.

How the ground floor of the conversion could lookHow the ground floor of the conversion could look (Image: AW+A Architects)

A design and access statement said: “The front-facing elevation is in a very poor state of repair and requires complete rebuilding. The elevation has been altered numerous times historically. The intention is to restore this façade as authentically as possible.

“To the south west of the main barn is a large outshut with adjoining coal store. The store is no longer used and due to its height does not lend itself to suitable conversion.

“As such, the proposal is to demolish the coal shed. This brings a more viable use to this part of the building and we consider to be the most sympathetic in-keeping in profile.

The proposed second floor of the conversionThe proposed second floor of the conversion (Image: AW+A Architects)

“The barn is typical of many farm buildings in the area and has a simple design and retains its character as a traditional agricultural building of local vernacular style.”

The conversion will also house a residential dwelling for a staff member to stay in.

The statement continued: “As the occupant of the barn will be a staff member, there is unlikely to be conflict between the new residential use on the site and the existing dwelling.”

To read the plans in full, visit the council’s planning website.